Emma Hughes


From A to Bee


Mixed cardboard (including delivery packaging, consumer goods packaging, etc.)
594mm x 841mm


Many items we buy and deliveries we receive are packaged with cardboard. In the UK, we use around 12.5 million tonnes of paper and cardboard every year. A popular choice for packaging, it helps to protect goods during transit between the seller and recipient. Just as we rely on cardboard to transport goods, plants (and people) rely on important pollinators, such as bees, to transport pollen between flowering plants; an essential process which enables plants to reproduce. It is through pollination that many of our food crops are produced. One out of every three mouthfuls of food that we consume relies on pollination. It can’t be underestimated just how vital bees are to people and the planet!


Emma Hughes

Lead Digital Designer at WPA Pinfold

Interested in placing a bid? Email your name and offer to josh@wpa-pinfold.co.uk



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